

aN evidence-BASED, HOLISTIC, STEP-BY-STEP program to coach you to a



Welcome to My healthy pregnancy plan: fertility!

I’m Dr Jocelyn Land-Murphy, a Canadian Naturopathic Doctor, FERTILITY AND Pregnancy coach, and mom of two.

I love giving women and couples the information, tools and support they need to have successful conceptions and healthy pregnancies.

Are you getting lost in google searches, feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious about your fertility?

Are you looking for trusted, evidence-based information about what steps you and your partner can take to increase your chances of getting and staying pregnant?

Imagine what it would be like to have someone trained and licensed in both conventional and integrative medicine to walk you through a step-by-step plan to help you make the best, most informed choices to promote your fertility and have a healthy pregnancy.

I am very excited to be able to share My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility with you, and to be able to coach you through understanding why you haven’t been getting pregnant, and what you can do right now to move towards growing your family.

  • My experiences as a mom motivate me to make sure that every person who wants to get pregnant has access to the best, evidence-based information they need to make informed choices in their fertility journey.
  • My training in naturopathic medicine, including eight years of post-secondary education, allows me to understand complex fertility challenges, and to support both partners in increasing their chances of a successful conception.
  • As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with full prescribing rights, I am able to share my expertise on the best of both worlds – treating naturally with nutrition, herbs and acupuncture, or using prescriptions when needed.
  • My extensive clinical experience providing primary care for fertility and pregnancy grounds me with an awe of the human body, and the miraculousness of creating a new human life.

what is my healthy pregnancy plan: Fertility?

My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility (MHPP: Fertility) is my complete, evidence-based, step-by-step program designed to coach you through to a successful conception and a healthy pregnancy. I have combed through thousands of the most current medical studies to highlight the safest and most effective treatments and daily choices you can make at every step in your fertility journey – whether through a natural conception or in support of assisted reproductive technology.

My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility will walk you through exactly how to identify, understand and address both male and female fertility challenges, and how to increase your odds of a successful pregnancy. 

  • Lifetime access (that’s right, you can access this program for all of your future conceptions as well)
  • Login 24/7 to all digital and downloadable content so you can access it and take it with you on the go – all content is available in video+slides (MP4), audio (MP3) and slides (PDF)
  • Literally step-by-step. Nothing is left out, and everything is backed-up by research.
  • Instant access to all modules and downloadable resources


10 amazing modules

Module 1: Fertility Overview

A big picture look at fertility, including rates and causes of infertility, types of infertility, and an overview of natural conception and assisted reproductive technology.

Module 2: Preconception Priorities

Everything you need to know before even trying to get pregnant: the importance of preconception care, the role of detoxification, the impact of drugs and alcohol on fertility, and safety issues when selecting medication and herbal options during preconception.

Module 3: Fertility Labs

The importance of fertility lab work in identifying roadblocks and determining next steps: what routine and fertility-specific blood work you should ask for, and how to interpret it – as well as additional fertility testing options to make informed choices moving forward.

Module 4: Tracking Your Cycle

An overview of the menstrual cycle and tracking to optimize chances of conception: the limitations of cycle apps, a summary of the Fertility Awareness Method and other tracking mechanisms, and how to plan for conception and take action when faced with atypical cycle charts.

Module 5: Ovulation and Cycle Regulation

How to promote healthy ovulation: a dive into complications like PCOS-related anovulation; how to address luteal phase defect; how to improve insufficient cervical mucous; and the role of acupuncture and manual therapies in optimizing ovulation.

Module 6: Improving Egg Quality

Understanding ovarian reserve and egg quality, and how acupuncture, prescription options, nutrient supports, dietary interventions and stress management can play a role in improving egg quality.

Module 7: Male Fertility

Causes and solutions to male infertility: an overview of how sperm are produced; the effects of toxins on sperm health; further analysis of priority lab work; and how herbal and nutrients supports, acupuncture and prescription options can be used to support male fertility.

Module 8: Fertility Nutrition

A comprehensive module covering the role of nutrition in fertility: optimal healthy weight; principles of whole food, plant-based and anti-oxidant-rich diets; low-glycemic, ketogenic and intermittent-fasting options and benefits; the role of proteins and healthy fats; the importance of a healthy microbiome; foods to avoid; the importance of hydration; and the role of prenatal vitamins.

Module 9: Stress and Fertility

Understanding the adrenal stress response: how stress affects fertility; stress management options; adrenal supports and adaptogens; and strategies to address infertility-related stress in relationships.

Module 10: Maintaining Pregnancy

The final module focuses on optimizing chances for a full, healthy pregnancy: why miscarriage happens; prescription and herbal drug safety in pregnancy; the role of thyroid and progesterone in pregnancy maintenance; when to be concerned with first trimester bleeding; and options for treatment and prevention of miscarriage.

wait… that’s not all?

Yes – there’s more!

Module Checklists To Keep You On Track

Each module comes with a downloadable checklist of all the key action items. Print it off, put it on the fridge, bring it to your appointments and make your way through the items as you go. A simple and effective tool to keep you on track!

Downloadable Reference Guides

Reference guides that you can download to support the modules, including:

  • Full course slides, including references, for each module
  • Prescription and Herbal Safety in Pregnancy: a handy quick-reference guide for what will be safe in pregnancy, and what you will want to avoid and potentially cut out during preconception
  • Low-Glycemic Diet Handout: a practical guide to help you make awesome food choices during pre-conception, including my favourite recipes and meal ideas, and a quick-reference glycemic-load chart

who is My Healthy pregnancy Plan: FERTILITY For?

The pro-active parent-to-be

If you are planning a pregnancy in the future, and you want to do everything you can now to increase your odds of success when you are ready to conceive, this is the program for you!

The natural conception commitment

If you have been trying to conceive naturally, and you want to get to the bottom of why it hasn't happened yet and how you can be successful, this program will help you find answers!

The IVF-assist

If you have decided to proceed with ART or IVF, and you want to do everything you can to make it a success, this is the program you have been looking for!

If you are wanting to grow your family, identify and address any male or female fertility challenges, and use the best research available to improve your odds of a successful conception and pregnancy, then My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility is for you!

FAQs for you!

What can I expect out of this program? How is the information presented?

You can access the wealth of information in MHPP: Fertility in whatever form works best for your schedule and learning style. All content is available anytime – online or downloadable for offline access – in MP4 (video+slides), MP3 (audio) and PDF (slides only), with downloadable checklists highlighting the key action items to post on your fridge or bring to medical appointments. You can follow the program on a laptop, on a jog, while driving, or in any other imaginable way. You can re-visit any module at any time, in whatever format works best for you.

How long does it take to go through the program?

Most modules are around 30 minutes (some like the Nutrition module are longer), for a total of 6 hours of video. The program is designed so you can listen to it in the car, while you’re working out, on a lunch break, or to watch at home with your partner while you do the dishes or make dinner. Total convenience.

I am already working with a naturopathic doctor, chiropractor, or herbalist – should I still sign up for the program?

Definitely. With my own patients, I recommend they take the online course, and then come to see me when they need hands-on treatments or individual treatment plans. This saves them time and money, and they get the best of both worlds – you can too!

Do I get access to everything all at once, or do I have to wait each month for a new module?

You get access to everything right away. You can enjoy the material at any pace you want: some may want to binge-watch it all, and then come back to the relevant modules as things progress, while others will prefer the slow and steady, according-to-the-plan approach. The choice is yours!

Can I download the videos and all the other extras to review offline?

Yes! Everything is digital and downloadable so you can take in the information wherever works best for you. Enjoy!

Is the program really step-by-step?

Absolutely! Each module has a downloadable checklist that summarizes your action items – from what blood work labs to request, to how to structure your diet. It’s incredibly simple and designed to set you up for success.

Is the information understandable for the average person? Is it detailed enough for someone with more advanced knowledge?

My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility is specifically designed to be accessible for a broad range of people – including people just starting out on their fertility journey or those navigating fertility setbacks, all the way to providing depth for healthcare professionals seeking information to answer their more complex questions surrounding their patients’ fertility issues. The language used is accessible to all, with countless options to dive deeper into the many elements of healthy conception and pregnancy. All modules can be paused and re-visited in a variety of formats, and the downloadable checklists break down the essential, need-to-know parts of each aspect of the program.

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes! Every conception/pregnancy is very different, and different fertility challenges can arise even after a successful first pregnancy. Your lifetime access to MHPP: Fertility means you will be able to use the program for all of your subsequent pregnancies. Amazing!

I have a question, who should I ask?

You can send an email directly to Dr Jocelyn at Don’t let an unanswered question hold you back from taking advantage of this amazing program!

If I choose the payment plan, do I get the entire course or just a portion until I pay all my payments?

By popular request, you can now get the entire My Healthy Pregnancy Plan program for three payments of $135. Meaning just $135 is due today. And yes, you get the whole program right away, no matter what payment option you choose, because I trust you to follow through on your commitment of three payments.

Is the program covered by my medical insurance?

To be honest, this is unlikely, as I will not be acting as your care provider in this program. Extended medical typically only covers in-person and phone consultations, and requires that a doctor-patient relationship be established, which is not the case with this program. Your family doctor or obstetrician remains your care provider, while I play more the role of a coach – sharing information, experience and resources, but not prescribing treatments to you individually.

Do I have to be in Canada to take part in the program?

Not at all. We have referring physicians and members all over the world. To enroll in the program, you pay the fee in Canadian dollars by credit card via Stripe, and the currency exchange is made by your bank/credit card (making it quite a steal for you if you are paying in USD!).

How is this different from what I can find online on "mommy blogs"?

While I am a mom, I am also a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Everything in My Healthy Pregnancy Plan:Fertility is referenced and evidence-based, meaning that you can use the information with confidence. I have brought together my years of academic training and clinical experience to create a step-by-step, holistic program that will take out the guesswork and allow you to make truly informed decisions throughout your fertility journey.

How do I get started? 

How much does it cost to enroll in My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility? 

The entire My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility program is only $135 a month for 3 months. Meaning you can get started and get full access today for just $135 CAD. 

You can also pay in full (and save $56) for $349 CAD. All prices are in Canadian dollars and all taxes are included – there are no hidden fees.

And yes, you will get full access to the program right away with your first payment. All modules. All downloads. So you can binge-watch your heart out, or take it all in at a steady pace. The choice is yours. 

Great, so how does it work exactly?

After you select the payment plan that works best for you and enter your payment information, you will receive your individual login information to the members-only area of the website. Here you will have instant, lifetime access to all of the modules and downloads. Everything you need will be at your fingertips!

if you have any questions holding you back from signing up, send an email to to talk it through. Just like you, I want to make sure that this is the right program for you, and I want to be able to address any issues that might be holding you back.

let’s do this!

Choose your payment option below to get started!

One-Time Payment
$349 one-time payment
My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility, One-time payment of just $349 CAD (save $56)
Full Details
Monthly Payment
$135 3 payments
My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility, Three monthly payments of just $135 CAD
Full Details

what do other people have to say?

love from happy PARENTS

I always knew I wanted to be a mother. What I didn’t know was the mountain that I would have to climb before meeting my sweet darling miracle. My fertility journey of highs and lows started in 2017. I was 40 years old with a low ovarian reserve detected from blood work, and I delivered a sweet sleeping angel boy at 20 weeks pregnant. Desperately seeking to heal my wounds and feel that baby kick again, we took the road to IVF in 2018. After receiving the news that 6 eggs were retrieved, our hearts overjoyed with possibilities only to hear 5 days later that none of them took, failed. IVF doctors told me I would never conceive with my own eggs. We lined up a dear friend to be our donor. The day Dr. Jocelyn’s resources came into my life, my heart grew with hope. All the work I did brought my ovarian reserve levels up, not so much the quantity but the quality improved. We started the journey December 2018, and by March I tested positive after a natural conception with my own eggs, and November 28th, 2018, we held our sweet miracle Sadie Raye Hope in our arms.


My fertility journey included eight pregnancy losses and two full term, healthy deliveries. On my journey, I saw multiple medical professionals but it was not until I accessed Dr Jocelyn Land-Murphy’s resources that the likely cause of the losses was uncovered and addressed. A review of my previous medical file included a passing mention of a possible septate uterus, which had never been brought to my attention and was noted in my file two miscarriages prior. Connecting with the appropriate medical professionals led to a hysteroscopic surgery. Following the surgery, I used a low carbohydrate diet and regular acupuncture. Due to my previous losses, I had significant anxiety; Dr Jocelyn’s well-informed resources about options for treatment instilled a feeling of confidence and calm which provided me hope during an incredibly scary time. The result of my tenth pregnancy was a 9lb 3oz, healthy baby boy who was happy to hang out in my newly supported uterus past his expected date. Our family is happily complete with an incredibly positive pregnancy journey.

Julie C

Dr Jocelyn’s resources helped preemptively identify fertility issues that might otherwise have taken years of failing to conceive to discover. Through a combination of herbal and prescription medications, supported by acupuncture and stress management, I was able to address a pituitary adenoma and thyroid dysfunctions that were significant enough to prevent pregnancy. This led to a successful natural conception and a happy, healthy baby!


In my late 30’s, I had my first baby by emergency c-section.  When trying for our second baby, what proceeded was multiple recurrent early miscarriages. After 2 years of this draining cycle of early miscarriages, with no answers from our maternity clinic and other healthcare providers, Dr. Jocelyn’s resources helped recognize abnormal levels in my bloodwork, which were actually outside the recommended range for healthy pregnancies. Dr. Jocelyn’s research worked to support my thyroid, progesterone, iron levels, as well as other emotional aspects linked to my recurrent miscarriages.  When I look back on this time, I distinctly remember feeling exhausted, depleted, and emotionally drained. My work improved all of these issues, and most importantly, my next pregnancy was a success. This was a natural conception resulting in a very successful pregnancy and delivery.  


Our fertility journey started over 10 years ago and includes multiple doctors, “unexplained infertility”, cancer diagnosis, and being told we would never conceive. It was honestly when I came across Dr Jocelyn’s resources that I started to believe again that perhaps my dreams could become real. I was able to finally diagnose my fertility issues and address them along with my broader health, and spent a year preparing mentally, physically and emotionally for an attempt at IVF.  I can now say that I have a beautiful son after my first IVF attempt. 


join today!

LET’s get started!

One-Time Payment
$349 one-time payment
My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility, One-time payment of just $349 CAD (save $56)
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Monthly Payment
$135 3 payments
My Healthy Pregnancy Plan: Fertility, Three monthly payments of just $135 CAD
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